About Us
Mind Management Foundation is a non-governmental organization that is established with the aim of providing lasting solutions and remedies to issues bordering on mental health.
Through proper education, sensitization and providing the right tools to individuals and groups, The Mind Management Foundation seeks to help people deal with causes of mental health issues and maintain a sound mind and well-being.
The tendency to develop some degree of mental stress which can lead to serious mental health challenges that may not only affect the performance on the job or at school but general wellbeing informed the need to come up with programs that will aid in reducing the causes and effects of mental health problems.
According to the world health organization, the suicide deaths in Nigeria is 3.5 to every 100,000. In Nigeria, The number of suicide deaths reported as at 2019 is 7,019, according to World Health Organization, WHO— 5,110 males and 1,909 females — over five years study period at LUTH. According to the Federal Ministry of Health, about 20-30% of Nigerians suffer from mental illness. Taking the upper limit, this implies that about 57 million Nigerians of a population of 200 million have mental health issues.

This is to help bring to the consciousness of individuals that mental health challenges can occur, to enlighten them on the causes, symptoms and effects on the health of the individual.

This involves teaching or imparting knowledge and skills to equip the individual on preventing or treating mental health problems

This involves taking part actively in the drive to reduce the cases of mental health conditions.
Who We Are
Mind Management Foundation is a non-governmental organization that is established with the aim of providing lasting solutions and remedies to issues bordering on mental health.
Through proper education, sensitization and providing the right tools to individuals and groups, The Mind Management Foundation seeks to help people deal with causes of mental health issues and maintain a sound mind and well-being.
The tendency to develop some degree of mental stress which can lead to serious mental health challenges that may not only affect the performance on the job or at school but general wellbeing informed the need to come up with programs that will aid in reducing the causes and effects of mental health problems.
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