How to remain fit Mentally

Good food or eating habit

You can’t eat as you like. Go for healthy foods. This helps your mind to be healthy. You can’t take your body for granted. Eat clean and healthy food.

Proper water intake

The body is 70% water. A minimum intake of 2 to 3 litres of water daily is required.


Do an activity that brings sweat out of your body. It brings out certain hormones that calms the nerves.

Exposure to Morning Sunlight

Get the daily dose of morning light between 7 to 10am. It produces hormones that helps the immune system.

Washing Therapy

Cleanse your mind from all negativities they are exposed to. Use the right confessions to wash your mind minimum of 10 minutes daily. If you don’t wash your mind they will start accumulating dirt that will eventually fight against you. Make this a routine. In the morning, afternoon and night. You wash your body with soap but you wash your mind with words.

Laughter therapy

This produces some good healthy hormones. It is a good medicine.

Healthy Family Environment

Relationship Intelligence (A relationship is like a bank account. You must have good deposit or investment in the relationship for it to work. If you do not make deposits in your relationship you will not be able to make withdrawals from it. Marriages are broken because there are no emotional deposits in the relationships bank account. Use nice words. These are deposits. When you use bad words you are making withdrawals. The account may soon be broke.

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