MMF training at Ajumoni senior grammar school
MMF training at Ajumoni senior grammar school with 447 student and 22 teachers
MMF training at Ajumoni senior grammar school with 447 student and 22 teachers
MMF combined training with ljeshatede senior grammar with 500 student ,26 teachers And ljeshatede junior grammar with 450 student, 26 teacher
MMF combined training at Okota Senior 470 students and 23 teachers and junior Grammar school with 600 students and 24 teachers
Today's combined MMF training with Central senior high with 325 students. 22 teachersd, and Central Junior high with 279 students 19 teacher.
MMF training with Euba Senior Secondary School-Parents-Teachers-forum, with 60 parents in attendance
Today's MMF training was a combined training for Okota senior high with 735 students, 13 teachers and Okota Junior high with 484 students, 25 teachers